Hello 2021!

Hello my friends!

Hope you guys had a nice time ushering the new year. For me, I want to start 2021 on an optimistic note. Cue all my new plans, to-do lists and habit trackers.

One of my resolutions this year is to exercise daily! Inspired by my dad who does a 1h walk six days a week to keep his legs strong. 

It could be any item:

  • Yoga
  • Swim
  • Run
  • Basketball
  • Workout
  • Walk 10 000 steps etc.
You get the idea. The point is to stay active and keep moving this year! A little adds up to a lot. 20 squats a day is 7300 squats in a year. 
Roping in my friends to join me too. It's definitely more fun and motivating with company.

Now reading: A Force For Good 

Pretty interesting so far! Dalai Lama is more into Science than I thought. 

"Spirituality and science are not in conflict - rather, they are alternative strategies in the quest for reality."

"If I offer methods in Buddhism, people will dismiss it as 'just religion'. But if Science says these methods work, then more openness." - in explaining his interest in science to a reporter. He is speaking about mapping emotions and using inner peace to find better solutions for problems. 

I've been into candles lately! I found out that I'm more into the glow than the fragrances they offer. I have two huge candles now, one a gift from Eli and another that I won from a giveaway. Really enjoy them! The person who wrote about Hygge was right - lighted candles do bring joy. (It's also fun to make a wish when you blow them out each time.)

The sole survivor of the snail rampage has bore fruit!!!

How CUTE?! :')

Alright I'm going to get a crack on some of my other goals this year - ie. drawing and music. Sometimes I find it easy to flounder when I don't really have any clear goal in sight. In that case we will just make it up as it goes lah, nobody has answers anyway.  Going forth with a guiding principle of 'Living Life Fully' perhaps? "Choose the bigger life", and "be happy and spread joy"! 

Sending you lots of love and if you're experiencing non-stop rain like me in Singapore, hoping you will stay warm and dry!
