These SG short films will impress you...

Hey guys! I came across some film entries from Point and Shoot 2022, a competition held by nuSTUDIOS Film Productions.

This year, the theme is 'Shadow', and over 250 student film makers have submitted entries. The competition, in its 5th year, have students undertake this 55h film challenge where they must plan, shoot, edit and submit their film upon the release of the theme. How exciting!

The actual award ceremony will be held on Sunday, 27 March 2022, but here are my favourites~!

There were a few films that centred around the quintessential Singapore bus stop. Perhaps it is the second hot favourite element for SG films after HDB flats? However, not to worry, because each film has its distinct flavour.

SHADES OF US by Hot Air Balloon Production
This film used poetry and sound to its advantage. Beautiful shots as well!


The Last Ride by FISHFLOPS
I did not expect this ending :'(

Next, we have this tense drama.

IN HIS IMAGE by One Crew

Even in a short span of 3 minutes, captivating stories are delivered with an effective final twist and punch. Great work!

Next, let's check out something fun and quirky.

Immortal Fish by Train 404

Now for some suspense...

Her Perfect Shadow by One Take Production

This started out so creepy but I liked the twist too. Everyone is so good at timing!

One more film to share...did I save the best for last? 


Look at this beautiful tone, cinematic story telling and crisp sound. 

Not every production had these but they shot and DELIVERED 👏👏 Well done! Also, many groups took a very literal or dark take to the theme 'shadows' so this treatment and angle was refreshing! Wonderful!


If you're keen to check out more films, hop onto nuSTUDIOS' Facebook Page to view and also to vote with your Like!

I hope you enjoyed these shorts, I certainly did! Passion projects really inspire me and I'm feeling heartened by everyone's entries. Well done everyone! Long live Singapore film! 


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