Tea Time: T2 Mint Mix

Hi guys!

It's been a while since we had some Tea Time on the blog!

Today's tea is a loose leaf herbal tisane from T2, and the flavour is... Mint Mix!

The Mint Mix "combines the assertive zing of peppermint with the sweetness of spearmint and the subtle freshness of lemon verbena. A smooth, well rounded brew with a prominent spearmint personality."

One thing I love about the T2 teas would be its great tea copywriting. Fun and cute.

If you're wondering about the difference between peppermint and spearmint, peppermint has more menthol in it, with 40% to spearmint's 0.5%. This makes peppermint's flavour stronger and spearmint's sweeter. Both come from the same plant family.

Taste: The mint tea is truly smooth, and has a nice, mild and tingly aftertaste. Smell wise, the mint leaves were fragrant, but after brewing the smell disappears. Can't really detect the lemon, guess it really is as subtle as specified. I really like that this tea is not too intense. A nice fresh flavour, good for a hot day. For more zing, maybe add some actual lemon slices and pop it into the fridge?